Key takeaways for me:
- A lot of people are concerned that we (software developers in general) continue to do a poor job upfront, on requirements and architecture and design. And that the push to Agile methods, on collaborative and emergent design, isn’t helping: if anything, the problem is getting worse. We are getting better and faster at developing and delivering mediocre software.
- The push for offshoring of programming and testing work continues to come mostly from the top. Even with the economic downturn, companies are having problems filling positions locally; and having problems keeping resources overseas, with turnover rates as high as 35% annually in India. The companies who are successful with offshoring make long-term commitments with outsourcing firms; invest in a lot of back-and-forth travel; rely on strong and hard-working onshore technical managers from their outsourcing partners to coordinate with their offshore teams; spend a lot of time on documentation and reviews; and spend more time and money on building and maintaining relationships. There can be real advantages at scale: for smaller companies I don’t see the return.
- Some companies have backed away from adopting Agile methods, or are running into problems with Agile projects, because the team is unwilling or unable to commit to a product roadmap or rough project definition. Customers and sponsors are frustrated, because they don’t understand what they can expect or when they can expect it. Executives don’t want to see demos: they want to know when the project will be delivered. Working in an Agile way can’t prevent you from giving the customer what they need to make business decisions and meet business commitments. This is another argument for adapting Agile methods, for doing at least some high-level design and roadmap planning upfront, agreeing on the shape of what needs to be done and on priorities before getting to work.
- Productivity: there is no clear way to define productivity or compare it across teams doing different kinds of work. Data on velocity or earned value is useful of course on bigger projects to see trends or catch problems: you want to know if you are getting faster or slower over time. Tracking time on maintenance work (bug fixes, small changes) can help to hilight technical debt or other problems: but what if most of the work that you do is maintenance? We need better ways to answer simple management questions: Am I getting my money’s worth? Is this group well-managed?
- Two of the keynote presentations looked at innovation, and two others explored related problems in design: design integrity, dealing with complexity in design. Better decisions are made by small teams, the smaller the better: the ideal team size may be just two people (Holmes and Watson). It's important to give people a safe place and time to think – uninterrupted, unstructured time, preferably time blocked off together so that people can collaborate and play off of each other's ideas. If people are always on the clock and always focused on delivery, always dealing with short-term issues, they won’t have the opportunity to come up with new ways of looking at things and better ways of working, and worse they may lose track of the bigger picture, forget to look up, forget what’s important.
- Technical debt: it’s our fault, not the business’s fault. It’s our house, so keep it clean. We have to find time to do the job right. One company uses the idea of a “tech tax”, a small (10%) overhead amount that’s included in all work for upgrades and refactoring and re-engineering.
- The importance of building business cases for technical changes like re-architecture. Remember that business cases don’t have to be solid; they just need to be reasonable. Make sure that you have some data on cost and risk, and tie your case into the larger business strategy.
- As a leader, you need to take responsibility. You have to deal with ambiguity: that's your job. Don't be a victim. Make a decision and execute.
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